Scioto River - Daily Painting En Plein Air

"Scioto River"
Oil on Board
This is one of my daily paintings for the month of September. 30 days of painting, even though I will not end up with 30 artworks, because some days I am working on bigger pieces - I don't actually get to finish one a day.

I really enjoyed painting this landscape, for many reasons. Here are a few:
  1. I love this location for plein air, it's at Scioto Park in Dublin, OH.
  2. I was able to cover a 12"x12" completely with paint in a relatively short amount of time, which means I am becoming more confident (thus fast) in my painting decisions.
  3. The day was just gorgeous: sun shining, light breeze, birds everywhere, including a blue heron and a bald eagle (for real!). The magic of painting outdoors: you get to experience and appreciate the surrounding nature.
  4. I had fun rendering the rocks and the water with paint. Both are always a challenge, but I embraced it with positive attitude and I liked the results.
I was just able to take a photo with my phone before selling it to a lovely collector on Saturday morning, still wet.  So happy she liked it, because I liked it too.


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