#1 Daily Challenge: Purple Trees - A 20 Minute Painting

Daily Painting Challenge

Ok, this time is not a 30 paintings in 30 days challenge, this is a challenge that says "paint fast, with no time to overthink it, create a painting in 20 minutes, with no pressure to create a masterpiece, just get it done and practice quick decision making and fuss-less application. Do it for five days in a row."

And day one is DONE!  :)
I painted this on a 6"x6" wood panel, using acrylic paint.
It took me a few extra minutes, but I was in a room with other painters and we were having a nice conversation, so I cut myself a little slack.

Here it is....

a quick daily landscape painting done in 20 minutes
"Purple Trees"
6"x6" acrylic on wood panel
Daily Challenge: a 20-minute painting

The questions that go through my head at the end of the process: Is if finished? Do I like it? Would I call it successful?

Sometimes the answers are not that straight forward, it might take a few days without looking at the painting and then, when I see it with fresh eyes, I KNOW. For this one, something about it makes me smile, I call that a success. :)
It has an overall and consistent unfinished look that makes it appear loose and fresh, I like the red undertone coming through.
Acrylic requires multiple layers to get the same coverage as oils, and 20 minutes go by in a blink of an eye, so.... overall I'm quite happy with the results.

“A bruise is a lesson... and each lesson makes us better.”
George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

“To learn something new, you need to try new things and not be afraid to be wrong.”
Roy T. Bennett 


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