My September Painting Challenge, How Did I Do?

So, in September I pledged to paint as much as I could, 30 paintings in 30 days, to be precise.
How did I do? Was I able to reach the goal?

I don't know about you, but for me September seems to be one of the busiest months of the year, every year. I love embracing a painting challenge like the 30 in 30 because it gives me the incentive to try extra hard to paint as often as I can, on a month in which I would probably put painting on the back burner, otherwise.

As expected, some days I did not get to paint, and other days I did not focus on the challenge, but worked on my hand-painted greeting cards, or I on bigger-ongoing paintings.
However, on other days I was able to paint several little studies, then of course there have been the good days, when I actually started and finished a single painting.

Long story short, below is a photo of the September production (minus some greeting cards and a couple of big painting there have been work in progress for a while).

Not too shabby after all!

Daily oil paintings and studies for the moth of September 2017 by Robie Benve

A few need some final touches, but I am pretty happy with what I got. :D

I took a short video of this display and I will post it on my facebook page.

Thanks for reading and for the moral support! And a big thank yous go to my painting teachers and mentors, especially Joe Lombardo and Sean Wang, that always encourage me to paint as much as I can and provide insightful critiques.

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