Short North Lit Up, Oil Painting

Columbus Short North oil painting by robie benve
"Short North Lit Up"
Oil on linen
Available through Marcia Evans Gallery

I've been fascinated by the Columbus Short North arches and evening lights for a while. I love walking there - even now that there is quite a mess with major constructions everywhere, lol.
It's a beautiful part of the city that feels very lively and it's full of restaurants and art galleries.

Every first Saturday of the month there is a Gallery Hop, and when I went to the September one I took a bunch of photos for reference.

This is one more painting from those images, this time in oil.

Marcia Evans Gallery
8 E Lincoln St
Columbus, OH


  1. Robin, we too are enamored with this area because we can see how much you love it. For me I think it is the sparking light you create coming out of the canvas. Keep them coming.

  2. Thank a lot Nelvia, I agree, the lights are one of my favorite parts of these paintings of the Short North. I have tried to paint a day scene, but meh, did not have the lights, so I turned it in to a night-time as well. :)

  3. I appreciate your thought it is really a nice painting.Thank you for sharing your art. Keep posting with best wishes. Oil Painting Online


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