Snow and Trees- Oil painting

"Sun & Snow"
Oil on panel

I've had  this reference photo for a while, and always wanted to paint it, but I was always afraid of the challenging subject.
Snow is not easy to paint, and all those trees can surely risk to look naive once painted.
I've been pulling up the photo to paint it, only to postpone it for a while, each time. I finally found the courage, and here is is. For better or for worse: Sun and Snow.

And I have to admit, I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I tried to use no pure white to represent the snow, and made the trees impressionistic. I like it. : )  (Phewww)


  1. Fabulous winter scene, I just love the snow! Wow!

    1. Thanks a lot Helen! I love the snow only when it's painted, or if the temperature is not too cold. lol :D


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