Colorful Sunset - Oil Painting

"November Sunset" 6"x6", Oil on Gessoboard SOLD I don't do a small painting every day, but when I do I really enjoy it! This one I did it in one session, no breaks, and it took me a little longer than an hour. I painted it with my friend Lynda Guenther, in her studio. It's nice to meet and paint together, we work on different things, but the creative energy seems to multiply. It must be the chatting in between strokes that helps. :) I like painting alone too, but rarely in silence: I listen to music - Most of the times singing along and dancing to the rhythm - or some radio program like the Artists Helping Artists podcasts (so inspiring!). I enjoy company when I paint, as long as it's not someone standing by me just watching what I'm doing. That makes me too self conscious, takes away spontaneity, and it's very distracting, as my family know pretty well by now. #leavemealoneplease :) ______ __ ______ Are you receiving m...