Daffodils - Acrylic still life painting 'revisited'

12x12 (30.48 cm x 30.48 cm)
Acrylic on canvas, framed

Photography Prints

I liked my Daffodils painting (previous post) but some things did not convince me 100%. When I took it to my painting group's critic day, I received several good comments, and some constructive critiques that confirmed my iffy feelings and made me decide to rework it.

Is it better now? I'm not sure, but I hope so, because there is no way back. :)


  1. These daffodils do have a lot of depth Robie.You did a great job on them.I liked the violet background too.It compliments the yellow daffodils

  2. Hi Yasha, thank you for visiting and living such a nice comment! Blessings.
    Ciao. :)


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