Albero - Tree, small acrylic painting

I came across this nice quote suitable for a lovely day like today:

"What is the meaning of life? 
To be happy and useful."  
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama 


  1. Hi Robie - found your blog from Rendition Me This challenge. Wanted to stop by and tell you I love the colors you used. So cheerful & happy! Love the rest of your work too!

  2. ...And these colors are surely unexpected here, really lovely and creative!

  3. I like your orange and red combination. Lovely. Somehow this painting is very comforting, perhaps it's the symmetry.

  4. Thank you Nan, Jane , and Nora for your kind comments. Color is definitely a key aspect of this small painting, I'm glad you liked it! :)Hopefully I find the time to paint more of this theme soon, I find so relaxing, it's like a playing tome. :)

  5. Hi Robie! Bravo for your very colorful rendition of La femme! Gives me a chance to visit your interesting blog at the same time. :)

    1. Hi Helen, I sure had some fun painting this colorful tree for the challenge. Thank you for "checking me out" and being so supportive. :)


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