Sometimes it just takes persistence... Doing the things we love

"Canoeing in fresh water #2"
 8" x 10" (20.3 cm x 25.4 cm)   
Acrylic on canvas pad

OK, I just had to repaint it! I started over on a new canvas, and this is the result.
I learned that I have a hard time making my brush strokes rich and generous, the way I like it when I see other people’s work.  I tend to play it safe diluting the paint. I started from scratch and forced myself to load that brush more.  Not quite where I’d like it yet, but I like number two better. And you know what? I think I improved, and that must be  a GOOD thing. :)

 “You may never know what results come of your action,
but if you do nothing there will be no result”
Mahatma Gandhi

A nice canoe ride with a good friend paddling along in a beautiful scenery. What a dream. I could not resist trying this painting challenge for the ‘Monthly Painting Challenge’.
I fell in love with the color of the water in the reference picture, and tried to reproduce it in a colorful joyful way. I realize now that the canvas has a lot of vertical threads that affected it quite a bit. Maybe I should have used heavier brushstrokes…  well, it’s too late now! This will have to do. :)

On a personal note, lately I have been a little of a slacker. I did not paint often, even though I have quite a few works in progress on my easel… a lot going on in May, children’s activities and big events, my volunteering commitments, plus I took advantage of any sunny hours in these very rainy weeks to catch up with gardening. So, I’ve been a slacker only in reference to painting, in fact I've been busy with other things that I love to do. What to ask more? Maybe a canoe ride?  ;)

A happy life is one which is
in accordance with its own nature.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca


  1. I am working on a new version of this painting. I really liked the reference photo and I am not very satisfied with the outcome. So, I'm giving it another try. :) Amazingly it's coming out very similar to the first one, (I might really have a personal style, and I don't even know it!) but I think I like it better... so far. We'll see. :)

  2. I love the colors, very luminous, especially the water.

  3. Thanks Horst, I tried to keep it fresh. Mixing the water colors from my limited palette was at the same time a challenge and a lot of fun. :)

  4. Robie I can see the difference thick paints made to your second attempt.The water looks so wonderful.

  5. Thanks Yasha. Since I like to work with only the seven basic colors and mix them up to get the color I need, it's tricky when I have to stop painting and then mix again the same color after several hours... it kind of give the water many interesting shades, doesn't it? ;))

  6. I remember the having that realization, "I think I might have an artist style, but I'm not sure what it's going to be!" Exciting thing to discover!

    1. It sure is exciting to discover if you have an artist style and what it might be. Though a few years later I'm still working on it... well, learning and growing is exciting too :)
      thanks for your nice comments Word Weaver Art!


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