Positive Attitude Is My Friend - My Thinking Process

Keeping on the "Think-Positive Path" Pays Off

2020 has been a challenge under many aspects.
However, as far as my artistic happenings, I can't complain. I've been lucky.

Robie Benve painting
Me in my studio painting  The Scioto Deer 

I received many blessings this year. 
How comes? Why me?

I think most of the opportunities that came along in this crazy pandemic months have found an open door with me because I strive to look for the positive in people and in situations, and I am always ready to deal with the unexpected.

Thinking Positive Helps

One thing that really helped me stay sane during the pandemic is that I make an effort to entertain only positive thoughts. It's not always easy. It's a process that involves choosing to avoid negative thoughts and then catching yourself while thinking about bad things or bad outcomes and consciously changing gears.

I Trust the Process

When I am worried about something, I have two courses of action: 
  1. If I can do something about it, then I choose to work hard to make things work out.
  2. If it's out of my control, then I chose not to worry about it, and work hard for what I can control.
When I have an important goal in mind, I learned that the how I get there is not important. There are things that happen in ways that we would never imagine, but they manage to bring us exactly the results we wanted.

I always try to do what feels right, for me and for others. 

Doing Things Right One at the Time

One day at the time, one action at the time, with some positive goals and outcomes in mind, but keeping an open attitude about how to get there.

My path is not clear and in focus at all times, but I don't care.
When my guts tell me it is a good thing to do, even if I work a lot and don't get paid, I'm going to do it. It will pay off in ways that I can't even imagine.

So, here is my advice to you.

Set your goals. Write down your dreams in the short, medium, and long term.
Then work on them, do what is needed, one day at the time, make progress towards one part of your goals.

But don't forget to live your life in a way that makes you proud and happy. 
Always make time to do what you enjoy doing, things that make your heart full, things that are not only for your benefit, but help others as well. 
Enjoy the little things.
Learn to discern from what is necessary and what is superfluous.

Spread the joy and the good vibes, it's not a competition, there is enough abundance of to share with the world.

If today I can make someone smile, if I can support a fellow artist or a cause dear to my heart, it has been a good day.

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks for reading. :)


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