A Busy Studio With a Lot of Paintings Work-in-Progress

image group of wip
I like to have several pieces at different stages of completeness 
and switch from one to another according to the inspiration of the moment. 

My Home Studio Has Always A Lot Going On

I took this picture a couple of weeks ago, while I was assessing 17 pieces that were all at different stages of done.

I like to work on several pieces at the same time.
It allows me to switch to a different painting any time I get stuck or my attention span is gone, and I need a break. Believe it or not, changing the painting on the easel feels like a break. 
It gets my brain to rewire, start fresh.

Placing a new image in front of me presents a new set of problems to solve and decisions to make.
What would look good?
What would enhance this picture?
What colors should I mix and where and how can I apply them?
How can I use my stencils in a way that is unpredictable and makes sense at the same time?

Usually I have 3-4 pieces that are work-in-progress, but lately I have started many paintings, and it's getting a little crazy.

Most Are Heading to My Solo Show in October

I guess there is no rush in finishing them because I need them in October, and yes, that is procrastinator me talking. 

The other side of my brain, the business and efficient one, is saying get them done, call them finished, sign and move them out of the way.

I think both reasonings bear some kind of truth.

The fact that they will all be in the show at Marcia Evans Gallery opening on October 2nd, means that they should look as a solid body of work, with some common traits in style, colors, and presentation.
And that is the main reason while procrastinator me wants them all around, to compare and develop them as a group.

It makes some sense, right?
This week though, I am committed to get some D.O.N.E. 
It's time to start a few more.

A Couple Sold Already

I'm very happy to report that a couple of the pieces in this group were finished and they sold already. Those were not meant to be in the solo show, they were experimental pieces in which I tried some new techniques, and I am so grateful and happy that they found great homes.  Wow!

I'll make a post about them with individual photos soon.

Thanks for reading!


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