The January 2016 Production! 30 in 30 Challenge

Sooo, I did announce left and right that I was doing the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge in January, and as the month went by I realized that 30 was a high aim in such a busy month.

Nevertheless, I did paint with increased productivity, and with a lower level of fear.
It's hard not to be intimidated when you know you are going to post a photo of it online for everyone to see and critique. Still, I tried to complete paintings without worrying about "perfection" and move on.

Chances are that when I look back at them few months down the road I may like them better and appreciate some details more.
If not, in January I also learned that it's fun to paint a brand new painting on top of an old one that I don't like. That knowledge may come in handy in the future. ;)

Painting over an older work that I don't like has two positive aspects:
1. I recycle a canvas or board, without wasting it.
2. I stop seeing an "ugly" painting laying around in my studio.

How many paintings did I complete in January?
Well, way less than 30, but much more than zero. :)
Here is a collage of them.
My paintings completed in the month of January 2016

Some are cropped weirdly because the spaces were all squares. Maybe one day I'll redo the collage.
BTW, I used PicMonkey to do it, a free online app. 


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