A Great Couple of Days at the Studio Sale

This is me during the setting up time at the Studio Sale, just before it started.

I participated in the community studio sale at the Columbus Cultural Arts Center and it has been a wonderful experience.  I think I've never been surrounded by so many  people smiling and cheerfully chatting before. From the art sellers to every one coming through, each face was lightened up, and eyes were sparkling with pleasure. 

A view if the Studio Sale from the other side of the room. Great space, full of wonderful art, including some amazing ceramics and  jewelry.

It has been a pleasure to meet a lot of interesting people, and what a delight to hear their nice comments for my art.

The paintings on my wall space (before the last straightening, ehmmm, still a little crooked here). Many are from my one-painting-a-day challenge. :)
I had mainly smaller paintings and cards, and quite a few found a good new home. 
How delightful! : )
Thanks a lot to the collectors that purchased my art!


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