Vibrant Tree Acrylic Painting

Vibrant Tree
6" x 6"
Acrylic on Canvas

I found this amazing and inspiring book on acrylic painting at my local library: Vibrant Acrylics, by Hashim Akib. Oh, was I inspired!
I know I have a long way to go before I can paint as vibrantly, loosely, and instinctively as Hashim Akib, but I simply love his technique of starting from colored grounds and let the paint mix on the canvas. I painted this small tree following his tips and advice.

My colored base is mixed from cerulean blue, phtalo green, and titanium white and I let it see through in between brushstrokes. I love how that effect can unify a painting.
It turns out the book was only a 14 day lease, and someone else had it booked it so I could not renew it so I had to return the book to the library. Considering to make the purchase...


  1. this painting has come out well ,Robie


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