I had fun making this collage of geraniums

Paper collage, 18cm x 25 cm

I signed up for the local Sketchbook Venture. They gave me a blank sketchbook, with thin pages, and I am supposed to fill it with images and words, following a theme of my choice. 
All sketchbooks entering the venture will be displayed at an exhibit, and then kept available at the local library.  "Cool!" I thought, but now I'm intimidated and I proceed very slowly, maybe too slowly, since there is a deadline. 
One thing is doing sketches for your own sake, completely unrelated to each other, and knowing nobody will ever see them, another thing is sketching for a public projects, and following a theme.
Well, I haven't even settled on a theme yet, but I started filling few pages, so far only with flower subjects.
This geranium collage filled one of the pages, and I really had fun ripping out magazine and making it.
I also made a drawing of the same geraniums.

I'm trying to work quickly on my sketches, using mainly pen and colored pencil. Sometimes I start drawing with graphite, that gives me the comfort of being erasable, and then I outline with pen.

Overall I'm happy with the Sketchbook Venture experience, but I hope I can get many more pages done before the cutoff date, less than two weeks from now.

"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"
Vincent van Gogh


  1. Hi Robie:) I think it's a good thing to try something else so now and then! And you did a great job on the collage. Like it! Your drawing is very beautiful. I hope we see more of your sketches!

    1. As much as I'm having difficulties working on sketches knowing that they will be the final product, I am enjoying the process, and I'm pretty sure I'll post more. Thank you for the encouragement, Renate. :)


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