Mare Aperto - Acrylic Seascape Painting

"Mare Aperto"  (Open Sea)
Acrylic on canvas board

Recently I heard many painters praising the the art of painting on location. I'm sure plein air painting has a special feel to it, the fact that you are there, breathing in the scene, and you can move even so slightly your head and perceive depth, lights and shadows at different levels makes a difference in the painting process and the end result.

Most of these fellow artists are oil painters. Unfortunately acrylics dry very quickly - and it is one of the reasons why I enjoy them, so I'm not complaining - and painting outdoors make them dry even faster. I tried painting en plein air with acrylics, but I found it extremely challenging: even using the Liquitex Slow-Dri Fluid Retarder I had trouble keeping the paint fluid. Maybe one day I'll try oils, who knows?

Anyway, for this painting Mare Aperto, I sure wish I could have painted on location! During the all painting time I could almost hear the waves crushing and the breeze blowing. I was only looking at a photo, but it made me travel with my fantasy. :)

April 2012


  1. Oh yes you can clearly hear the waves crashing here, and the sea is so lovely and transparent!

    1. Hi Jane, thanks a lot for the lovely feedback. Happy painting! :)

  2. Hello Robie:) I'm a little late making a comment on your painting but that has nothing to do with your painting. It's lovely, very bright and gives me a holiday feeling. Beautiful done!

    1. Hi Renate! I can't believe you are apologizing for the timing of your comment. I'm just happy that you took the time to look at my work and leave a note, does not matter when. :)
      Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it.


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