The Friday Painting Group's Art Show

I joined a Open Studio painting group few months ago, and I really enjoy sharing the creative time with the ladies of the group. We put together a two-hour show for friends and family, to showcase our favorite pieces of the last year or so, and to have some good time together. 

It turned out to be a wonderful, warm, happy event. Lots of people came, all the smiles, the positiveness, the enthusiastic comments filled the air with wonderful energy. What a delightful experience! 


By unanimous decision, we did not have anything for sale, but seeing all our art together, we realized that the level is higher than we thought, and we might even dare to put some prices on our paintings at the next occasion. :)

I think we were all scared of the outcome. What if nobody shows? What if my art is not good enough? etc. But I estimated at least two hundred people came, and our paintings looked amazingly good. I'm so happy we dared!

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.     
Franklin D. Roosevelt 


  1. Congratulations on your first show. Sounds like a great turn out. It is scary to put yourself out there. It gets a little easier with time. Your work looks great. Just keep on painting!
    Thanks for the nice comments on my blog.

  2. Hi Carol, I'm glad I broke the ice! :) The fact that the art was not for sale made it much easier for me. It really felt great having people stopping by, asking questions and sharing laughs. And it has been very interesting learning everyone's favorites. Thanks for the kind words. :)

  3. Well done, I think your show looks really good. It is fun to have all your friends share the event.

    I think your work is very sellable, vibrant colours and good subjects, nice style, cant think why you would not have the confidence to put it up for sale. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.

  4. Congratulations Roberta! I think it looks great too. I your daly impress. I would have sell them at my store! Very happy for yo

  5. Oh my, thanks so much for the encouraging words! :)) I feel like I need to paint several more square yards of canvas before I can even think I'm ready to sell. But thanks, it's great to know that you think I'm on the right path. :)

  6. Looks like a fantastic show.
    Happy Painting and Happy New Year,

  7. Thanks Nora, Happy New year to you too, and to all! :)
    May it be a year full of Joy, Health, Love, and gleeful Art. :)

  8. Your first show looks great and I'm glad a good time was had by all. This could be considered as a fun "dry run".
    I have a feeling you folks will be holding shows to sell soon. Just make sure to still have fun at those too....with no pressure to sell. :)

  9. Dean, thanks for your kind words. Having fun is the best part isn't it? I hope that never goes away, there is so much I have to learn and experiment, that I can keep it "new" for ages. :) I hope I'll be blessed enough to keep painting without ever stressing about the selling part.
    Happy New Year and Happy Painting! :)


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