Black and White to Color

"Roses by the window"
(Click image for larger version)
9” x 12” (22.9cm x 30.5 cm)
Acrylic on Canvas Panel

This painting has been a challenge about values! The reference photo was in black and white and the DPW painting challenge asked to turn it into color, maintaining the value relationships.
Very interesting! I had never done a painting like that before. And it’s kind of funny too, being able to imagine whatever color you like.  :)


  1. Wow, Robie what a great job, your colors just glow,
    very nice.

  2. Great achievement! You have conquered the difficulties of this black and white. I love your choice of colors.

  3. Thanks so much for the heartening comments. They are much appreciated. Now I'm working on another challenge that both of you mastered... kinda intimidating but I'm excited about it. :)


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