Painting Clouds Used to Be a Big Challenge for Me, Now I Even Wrote an Article About it

"Clouds on Blue" 8"x10, Oil on board Sold How on Earth Do You Paint Clouds? I used to find clouds very challenging and intimidating to paint. Then, one day, in 2013, I jumped right in, during a painting workshop, I asked the teacher - Kim Casebeer, a very talented plein air painter - to help me paint clouds, she gave me one of the million photos she took of Kansas skies and lands and advised me to start from that. I started, I made mistakes, I corrected them, and I only asked her for advice a few times, but knowing I had her available if I got stuck made me braver, and I broke the ice with painting clouds. Well, technically, I had painted clouds before, but with effort and doubtful results. Look at me now: skyscapes are among my favorite subject! Between sunsets, sunrises, and cloudy skies, that's a big part of my body of work. This is the reference photo for the painting above. I took it at the soccer stadium while waiting for the Crew game to ...