Being Fully Vaccinated Feels Good!

I'm Loving My Newly Found Freedom! After 14 months of avoiding close contacts, crowds, meals with friends, gatherings, and more, I am finally vaccinated for Covid19 and I am back to doing a few things that I was greatly missing. Yay!! I Went to Art Class I've been going to the Open Studio painting class at the Columbus Cultural Arts Center since 2011, and during the pandemic it was closed, then it reopened at limited capacity, then it closed again, and finally reopened again in March. I missed it, but I was not feeling comfortable attending until this session. The session started two weeks after my second shot, perfect timing! I eagerly signed up, afraid that with the limited capacity it would get full before I had the chance to join, and last Thursday was the first class. Being back felt like seeing family again. I love the place, the people, and the energy in the studio. Ahhhh, so nice! I Went to an Art Opening A local gallery had an art opening in person, and two of...