Exciting Things Happening - A Gallery Show and More

Do you ever have periods in which things go well and you are afraid to wake up? I'm in such a period right now. Things are going well, and I am so afraid the it will end out of the blue, just like it started. But hey, in the meantime, I'm doing my best to enjoy every minute of it. Never waste something good, right? Home-life is going great and my artistic endeavor is giving me some satisfactions that I thought would never come. Not only people are buying my paintings, which is amazing all by itself - to know that they are willing to pay for the products of me having fun in the studio, and keep them in their home, where they look at them every day, how wonderful is that?? Also, I am now represented by a super nice art gallery, and the owner invited me to participate in a small group show of mixed media art. Yay! It was supposed to be a solo show for one of the other two artists but, being over-committed, she requested to have someone else to share the space with, and...