30 paintings in 30 Days Challenge Starts Tomorrow

Oh boy, I have decided to join the "30 paintings in 30 days challenge" again! I have done it last September, and I know very well now: it's not easy! So many things can come up every day and prevent me from painting, that it really takes some serious commitment to produce 30 artworks in a month! Of course they will have to be small pieces, but since I have some bigger paintings started on my easel, some days I can finish one of those and call it a day. I can do it, I know I can. But I am a little nervous, because this period of the year is quite busy already with school and all kind of activities starting up. What's the point of joining such a challenge? you may ask - and most people ask me exactly that: "Why?" Why on earth do you put yourself through an obbligation to paint 30 things in a month. Last year I entered several of my small paintings produced during the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge in art shows that asked specifically for small ...