Downtown Columbus - Landscape Acrylic Painting

"Dowtown Columbus" 24" x 36" (61 x 91.4 cm) Acrylic on Canvas SOLD In the 2 1/2 years Columbus, Ohio has been my hometown I learned to love the Dowtown area, even if my life revolves mainly around my suburban neighborhood. I took the photo that inspired this painting during the yearly Columbus Arts Festival, I was walking among artists' booths when I saw the stunning view and I had to stop to take pictures. I used large brushes and I let the paint mix on the canvas rather then pre-mixing colors; a technique that presents some risks, because it's hard to plan the results of each stroke, but it's fun. Throughout the process I kept repeating to myself "Don't worry. Let the paint be paint", like a good karma. :) One day I will have to go and paint the downtown landscape en plain air , until then I'm using photos. Maybe in spring I'll be braver and paint on location, but in this freezing winter climate photos come very...