Fresh - Still Life Painting

I painted this lovely still life alla prima, all in one go, wet on wet. I even made a video and wrote an article about the experience - links are below, at the end of this post. "Fresh" Oil painting 9"x12" framed Available The price for the framed painting is $190, inclusive of tax. Free shipping or optional free delivery (in the Columbus, Ohio area). The images below show Fresh in its current frame. If you don't like the frame, contact me and I'm sure we can find a solution. "Fresh" in its white floater frame Front view "Fresh" in its white floater frame angular view The colors of the painting might be a little off depending on your the screen and on the camera settings. There might be weeks when I'm traveling, like part of September 2019, in which case it may take a couple of weeks from me to be able to actually ship the painting. If you are in a hurry, feel free to contact me bef...