A Great Day at the Columbus Open Studio and Stage Tour

A couple of weekends ago selected artists opened their studios to the public for the first Columbus Open Studio and Stage Tour, on 8 and 9 October, 2016. What a great initiative! As soon as I heard about it, I made sure I kept the Saturday open. I wanted to visit as many as I could in the hours that I had available. My friend and fellow artist Dawn Petrill joined me in this adventure, and we toured several studios, talked to the artists, enjoyed their work, observed their storage solutions, and just had a great time driving around from place to place. So much fun to do the tour with a fellow artist! We could not stop at all the places on our to-do list, but those that we were able to see were really great. I took photos with most of the artists, but regrettably I am missing a few (my phone memory kept getting full, yikes!!) Below are some pics to commemorate the great day. Too bad that I don't have a photo for each studio we visited! Other artists we met on the tour a...