The Beautiful Last Light of the Day - Oil Painting

"The Last Glow" 6x6" oil on gesso board Available Every time I see a sunset I can't resist. I have to stop and watch. If I'm driving on a highway and can't stop the car, it's true sufferance. :) When I admire a sunset I find myself breathing deeper and smiling. Sometime sunsets are so beautiful and the colors and shapes of the clouds so surprising that I often think if I even succeeded painting it with the perfect glow and colors, people would think it's an exaggerated artistic representation, so unbelievably beautiful are the colors. Truth is I can't even get close to painting the real colors and inner glow of a sunset. I can just paint an idea of it, a representation that reminds me of the wonderful feeling I felt when I saw it. This small painting is from a photo a friend of mine posted on facebook, she kindly game me The Last Glow . This is the photo that my friend posted permission to paint it. Though I did not see this p...