Having Some Fun with Doodles

"Spring" I have been working on a bigger piece - big for my standards - but did not make much progress because I haven't got back from vacation mode yet. After the Holidays spent overseas, my lovely mom was here from Italy and I enjoyed spending time with her instead of going into my own paint world. Then I had to accompany her back, that was part of the deal for her to be able to come. Little I knew I was going to get stuck in a snowstorm... Anyway, beside reading art books and attending a couple of painting group meetings, I have been doing "light" art stuff, like doodling on my journal while listening to art podcasts or flying. Think Positive, it feels better. :) I love the feeling of freedom of doodling. There is no planning, no worries, no erasing. I doodle with ink, and let it be. I posted several of these drawings on my facebook page , here are some. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. ...